Charlie's Angels is a remake developed by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar for ABC, based upon the 1976 series of the same name created by Ivan Goff and Ben Roberts. The series ran on ABC from September 22 to November 10, 2011. A remake of the original show had been in the works since 2009. Although there were going to be 13 episodes to be aired, production of Charlie's Angels ended on October 14, 2011 after airing only four episodes due to extremely poor ratings and critical reviews. It burned off three of the remaining four episodes and concluded its run on ABC on November 10, 2011. The show's critically negative reviews focused on its acting, plot, and action scenes. Charlie's Angels is currently available on DVD from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.
Season 1
E1.Angel With A Broken Wing
E2.Angels In Paradise
E3.Bon Voyage, Angels
E4.Angels in Chains
E5.Runway Angels
E6.Black Hat Angels
E7.Royal Angels
E8.Angels Never Forget